
Yay today is friday! Boo I have to work tonight.

Today I worked on a lynda.com lesson and then a project. I Kinda made a mouse pad but im to sure Im done with it, it is missing somethin major. But, on the plus it is kinda pretty, here take a look at my work.





Well today was a nice perductive day I think for just getting back and having kindof a slow start. I worked on my lynda.com lessons today and got quite a bit done. Ill show you my work at the bottom of my post.

Also all my work and stuff came back to my computer and we are all set and ready now.








Today is Thursday, and I feel %100 better than I have in the past week :). Today will also be my first day back to this class since Friday and I apologize for that as well. I had my surgery on monday and wednesday I was so swollen its not even funny. I was extremely sore and could not take my pain medicine because it made me very sick. My first day back to school in general was yesterday. My mouth is still very extremely sore and I wish I did not have to be here in all honesty but school is school and I have to be here.

Today I was planning on working on lynda.com lessons but I cant find your website it just tells me that it is incorrect when I type it in. Same with everything else and it was almost a miracle to get this to pop up! All of my stuff on my computer is deleted and my mouse pad clicker thing is dead. I have absolutely nothing left on here and I had some assignments I was trying to add to my website when I left that I cant do now. But I will continue to trying to get this stuff to come up and hope I can find my stuff some how. Have a great day.


Hello, today is my first day back in 3 days. I have missed three days of school. Tuesday, Wednesday, And Thursday. I missed them because I have and infection in my mouth under my wisdom teeth. I haven`t been able to open my mouth very far and I have been throwing up and I have been very swollen in my face. I am still hurting very bad. I really don`t even know why I came today. Im still very sick to my stomach with all this moving around im having to do, and I have a blaring headache.   But I came to school because votech it is just to close to the end of the year to be missing so much when I know that I will be gone at least one day of next week because I will have surgery on my mouth. So next monday I will be gone to get surgery done on my mouth. Yay :/. And just to add a little something for the end of this I am probably gonna have to go home after votech because I dont think that I will be able to make it for the rest of the day without getting sick. But have a great day.

Today I worked on lynda.com lesson. I worked on the eyes mostly and using the same tools as I usually do. I also worked on a picture of Kory Cameron. Here take a look.














Today I worked on a lynda.com lesson and it was on improving the eyes.

I used hue sateration for this lesson, here is an example of my work.

danny2 before

danny3 after


Today I was working on a project. The project was editing my friends senior pictures. I am not quite finished with them all yet. but here is 3 of them that I am finished with.

Before                                                                  After

kory-before kory-finished


After                                                               Before


taelor-after taelor-before

taelorafter  Aftertaelorbefore Before


Hey Im sorry about yesterdays post. My mouse on my computer screen turned into this multi colored circle and would not let me click on anything while I was in the middle of working on photoshop. I would also like to say that yes I added more things to my DW and yes it was a new 2-6 I just cant get it to show up, as I said before I actually have a whole lynda.com lesson that is not showing up on DW that is called Portrait Retouching.

17 april 2013

Today I was a few minutes tardy do to yet another doctors apt. at 8. I had to go pick up my medicine that they were out of the last time I went there. Today I will also be attending the career center with Mrs. MCclure, my all time most favorite teacher.

16 april 2013

Today I worked on finishing my picture of Lindsey Lohan and it turned out okay. I could have done better on the hair.

I also tried to fix my DW today. I cant get my assignments I put on DW to show up on the actual website. It is very disapointing because I have six chapters on there that are not showing up. I will have 7 by the end of the week.

I have thought of a project that I would like to work on.  It might be a long one tho so I probably wont get to work on it. But I want to design a wedding. Not for anybody inperticular. I wold probably use me but just so that I can have somebody for pictures.

lindsay-lohan--large-msg-134966143416 Beforelindsay-lohan1--large-msg-134966143416 After

15 april 2013

Today I worked on enhancing the eyes. I am very proud of how thes turned out. I used Hue Sateration.

Before                                                         After

maddy-2 maddy-3




